What is an Additional Insured on a Boat Policy? - A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to boat insurance, an additional insured is a third party that is added to the policy of the named insured. This means that the additional insured receives the same coverage as the policyholder. However, they cannot modify the coverage and can only use it in the event of a claim or demand caused, at least in part, by the named insured. Adding an additional insured to a boat policy usually increases the premium of the named insured and does not cost anything for the newly insured party. It's important to note that if two parties decide to sue each other, the insurance company must defend both parties against the other, which is not the intention of the policy or the insured's additional endorsement. It's up to your insurance company to decide if they are willing to add a marina as an additional insured and how much this expansion of coverage will cost.

In some cases, there may be language that requires a ship to be operational, and some marinas require that the ship leave its pier once or twice a year.

Jerri Ament
Jerri Ament

Typical web trailblazer. Infuriatingly humble coffee ninja. Avid beer trailblazer. Award-winning zombie maven. Hardcore social media evangelist.